360 GUIDE™ is a simple solution for steering in tall crops.
Your self-propelled applicator’s guidance system is optimized for bare ground and good A-B lines. The 360 GUIDE Steering System from 360 Yield Center is an add-on that lets your existing guidance system maintain ideal middle-of-the-row position when A-B line accuracy isn’t enough.
The system uses feeler wands and sensors to measure the position of the machine in the row. The system “teaches” your system the right position by correcting the GPS coordinates based on the exact position of the sprayer in the row.
360 GUIDE connects between the GPS globe and the OEM controller. It takes the GPS position provided by the globe, adjusts it and sends a correct position back to the steering controller. That means there is no new controller monitor required - run your guidance system just like you always do - with corrected signals that keep you centered.
Tactile wands measure the position of the applicator in the row. A rugged mounting frame attaches to the front of the applicator and provides a rigid platform of the sensor base. The system works in row widths from 20- to 38-inches.
360 GUIDE intercepts the applicator’s GPS signal and corrects the lat/long position based on wand sensor data. If the applicator drifts from the A/B line - the correct positioning data keeps the applicator on track.
The riser support can be installed and removed in just minutes. A magnetic breakaway system protects the sensor base from ground impact.
The system is available for John Deere R-Series and 30-Series applicators equipped with John Deere AutoTrac and for Hagie STS applicators equipped with Raven SmarTrax steering systems.
360 GUIDE ties into existing auto-guidance control in your OEM display. It uses an iPad-based app for calibration and set up, then turns operation and control over to the OEM guidance display.
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